Item Reference: 001696
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Ephemera
Description: Mail order novelties extracts from catalogues in 1938 and 1956, from Ellisdon & Son; printed in England; published and distributed by Tobar Limited.
Date: 1938, and 1956
Further Information:
Tag: Ephemera
D17_001679 Game Advertisement Page
Item Reference: 001679
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Ephemera
Description: Advertisement page, for John Waddington games, from Picture Post, for “Scoop”, “Monopoly”, “Lexington”, and etc.
Date: 1955
Further Information:
D10_001618 Donkey Puzzle Card Trick
Item Reference: 001618
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Ephemera
Description: Gifted conjuring trick of a donkey puzzle, depicts two donkeys and two clowns, found in Shredded Wheat cereal from the late 50s to the early 60s.
Date: c. late 1950s – early 1960s
Further Information:
Links: Explanation of the trick.
D10_001607 Assorted Sweet Wrappers
Item Reference: 001607
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Ephemera
Description: Assorted sweet and bubblegum wrappers, including Matlow’s Chews, Trebor Black Jacks, and Bazooka Joe.
Date: c. 1970s
Further Information:
D12_006641 Children’s Collectors Cards
Item Reference: 006641
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Ephemera
Description: Assorted collector’s cards for children, depicting cartoons and jokes.
Date: 1960s
Further Information:
D12_001653 Glitterfun Picture Papere
Item Reference: 001653
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Ephemera
Description: One pack of ‘Glitterfun’ picture paper by Wiggins Teape; in original packaging, containing 8 picture paper with user instructions; made in England.
Date: 1980s
Further Information:
D11_001599 Paper Mache Easter egg
Item Reference: 001599
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Ephemera
Description: German paper mache Easter egg, depicting a chicken taking a photograph of a rabbit and a cat.
Date: c. 1960s
Further Information:
D10_001621 Cardboard puppet of Miss Britain
Item Reference: 001621
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Artefact
Description: Cardboard puppet of “The Amazing Miss Britain” with blonde hair and red outfit, original string and packaging missing.
Date: 1951
Further Information:
D10_001607 Assorted candy wrappers
Item Reference: 001607
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Ephemera
Description: Assorted candy and bubblegum wrappers, including Matlow’s Chews, Trebor Black Jacks, and Bazooka Joe.
Date: c. 1970s
Further Information:
D10_001576 Tri-ang Christmas Catalogue
Item Reference: 001576
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Ephemera
Description: Tri-ang Lines Bros Ltd Toy Dealers’ Christmas Catalogue, advertising various toys for children.
Date: 1970
Further Information: