Item Reference: 006663
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Artefact
Description: Toy grand piano, manufactured in wood by Japanese Asahi Piano Company. Three detachable wooden legs
Date: 1920s
Further Information:
Tag: 1920-1930
D17_006691 ‘Card Games and How to Play Them’ Book
Item Reference: 006691
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Artefact
Description: “Card Games and How to Play Them” book by Peter Alston, including bridge, whist, cribbage, and more games; published by C. Arthur Pearson Limited.
Date: 1921
Further Information:

D17_001701 Clay Marbles
D10_001586 Milk Churner Money Tin
D10_001586 Milk churn money tin
D10_001573 Miniature patience cards
Item Reference: 001573
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Artefact
Description: One set of linen finished miniature patience cards in original brown paper packaging, with galleon ship design backing, from Goodall & Son.
Date: c. 1930s
Further Information:
Links: Goodall & Sons miniature patience cards

D22_006594 Scale with Weight
Item Reference: 006594
Category: Photography
Format: Artefact
Description: Scale for measuring developing chemicals (powder form). The scale is metal, with the holders being brass and attached with thread, which has broken. There is a tassel attached to help discern whether the scales are level. The weight is brass Missing frame.
Date: c. 1920s
Further Information:

D22_001812 Kodak Folding Darkroom Lamp
Item Reference: 001812
Category: Photography
Format: Artefact
Description: Kodak folding darkroom lamp in original packaging, metal bottom with candle holder, attachable red tissue paper sheath, and metal top with holes to allow smoke to escape without naked light. Model SE. 811
Date: c. 1920s
Further Information:

D22_001809 Wooden Tripod
D22_001805 Butchers Carbine Developing Tank
Item Reference: 001805
Category: Photography
Format: Artefact
Description: Butchers Carbine developing tank, for 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 films, copper, in original box with a promotional pamphlet from Butchers, including instructions and prices for other models.
Date: 1916-1926
Further Information: