D22_001805 Butchers Carbine Developing Tank

Item Reference: 001805
Category: Photography
Format: Artefact
Description: Butchers Carbine developing tank, for 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 films, copper, in original box with a promotional pamphlet from Butchers, including instructions and prices for other models.
Date: 1916-1926
Further Information:

the original packaging of the carbine developing tank, with text still legible and structurally intact, though it has clearly faded at some point. the colour is muted brown
label on the carbine developing tank's exterior box
label on the carbine developing tank's exterior box
a close up shot the the exterior box's carbine branding, the font is thick and swirls and invokes calligraphy. the box also displays patent information
a full photo of the carbine developing tank, which is copper, with a small chain attached to the top, and is similar in appearance to a column
A close shot of the carbine developing tank displaying the copper label with reads butchers carbine developing tank
close up shot of the top of the carbine developing tank displaying the words this side up


picture of the carbine developing tank with the inner spool removed and displayed alongside the shell


carbine promotional pamphlet on why we should develop our own films
Instructional manual for the carbine developing tank


instructional manual for the carbine developing tank also featuring prices for both popular and deluxe models and developing powders
Promotional image on the back of an instruction manual, produced by Butcher and Sons for the Carbine developing tank. Shows a woman dressed in the attire of the time period holding and pointing at the Carbine tank with the text I develop my films in a carbine tank why don't you and giving the price as 15 shillings