D22_001804 Paterson Self-Loading Spiral

Item Reference: 001804
Category: Photography
Format: Artefact
Description: Self-loading spiral for Paterson 35 Model II developing tank, made in England, in red original box. Plastic with a black plastic spire and two clear plastic spirals.
Date: 1956-1960s
Further Information:  Paterson began developing model IIs for their developing tanks in the mid-to-late fifties, which all came with this clear self-loading spiral. Being sold on its own suggests those who bought it would be replacing a part of their model two that had broken. The clear spiral design continued into the 1960s for their model III developing tanks, though this was marketed only under the ‘Universal’ moniker
Links: Paterson Catalogue Detailing the Model II Development Process and the Spirals function

red patterson developing tank
top of patterson box, displaying price written in pen
front of red box
inside of box showing stamped item number
spool with two clear plastic spirals
top of spool