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Author: mbeaugrice
D61_006978 HMSO Notebook
Item Reference: 006978
Category: Stationery
Format: Artefact
Description: Mass-produced 80-page notebook, with staple fastening, supplied by Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, for use in the public/civil service. The notebook features ruled pages and a brown card paper cover. It has not been used. S.O. Book 609, HMSO Code 28-609. 6″x8″
Date: 1972, 1975
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D61_002165 General Ledger
Item Reference: 002165
Category: Stationery
Format: Artefact
Description: Large leather-bound ledger, with ‘General Ledger’ indented and coloured gold along the spine. Manufactured by Eden Fisher & Company Limited, which the inner leaf label identifies as offering services as ‘manufacturing stationers and printers’ and ‘account book makers’. Lists addresses as ‘6,7, & 8 Clements Lane, Lombard Street’ and ’95, 96, 97 Fenchurch Street’. The cover features an indented design in the leather and fore-edge painting in a spiral design, that matches the pastedown and front and back endpapers. 494 pages, 482 of which are the ledger. The pages of the ledger have identical pre-printed, or drawn, tables with pink lines, though no labels. It has not been used. 15″x11″x2.5″ (height, width, depth)
Date: c. 1900
Further Information: Lombard Street is well known as a hub for banking and associated business, going back to the medieval period.
D61_002164 Short Bills Ledger
Item Reference: 002164
Category: Stationery
Format: Artefact
Description: Rectangular short bills ledger. Manufactured by Eden Fisher & Company, which the inner leaf label lists identifies as offering services as ‘bankers’ stationers’, ‘account book manufacturers’, and ‘engravers and printers’. Lists addresses as ‘6, 7, & 8 Clements Lane, Lombard Street’ and ’96-97 Fenchurch Street’. Brown leather binding and corner covers, red textured cover. The ledger features a fore-edge painting in spiral design, that matches the pastedown and endpapers. The pages of the ledger have identical pre-printed, or drawn, tables with pink lines, though no labels. It has not been used. 8.5″x12″x2″ (height, width, depth).
Date: c. 1900
Further Information: Lombard Street is well known as a hub for banking and associated business, going back to the medieval period.
D61_002163 Ledger with Plastic Casing
Item Reference: 002163
Category: Stationery
Format: Artefact
Description: Thick administrative earning ledger, with heavy duty black plastic casing. The casing binder is from ‘Kalamazoo’, a type ‘K’. The inner label is stamped with the date ‘7/63’, order number ‘187928’, and is size ’85’. The label also features instructions on use of the binder. The ledger booklet is blank, though contains pre-printed tables with labeling. There is no identifiable marker of who manufactured the booklet. 8.5″x6″x2.5″ (height, width, depth)
Date: 1963
Further Information: Today, Kalamazoo works in security printing. The ‘identity’ marker in the booklet suggests it was intended to be used by different people within a corporation. The sturdiness of the binder suggests it was intended to be moved around a lot, perhaps accompanying manual labour.
D41_002006 Salter Postal Scales
Item Reference: 002006
Category: Stationery
Format: Artefact
Description: Salter Model 702 postal scales, with scale dial on either side; though they display the same information, they are not identical in looks. The scales are labelled with both grams and pounds, going up to one kilogram. The inside of the scale dial features segments for Air Mail Letters (Zones A /B/C), Inland Letters (1st and 2nd class), and Commonwealth and Foreign Letters, alongside the corresponding postage price in pence on one side, and the same on the other with the addition of Printed Papers – Full Rate Overseas Surface. The prices differ. Registered design numbers are labelled as 952533/4/5. Made in England.
Date: c. late-1970s-1980
Further Information: Most likely used in a business post room, as they lack official signage and certification of the Royal Mail or Weights and Measures. This could potentially explain the discrepancy of the prices, as intended to give a broad idea of the cost, rather than accuracy, or potentially one side denoted the cost of the stamp/postage, and the more expensive side included the cost of packaging needed.
D33_001857 Embossing Machine
Item Reference: 001857
Category: Stationery
Format: Artefact
Description: Metal hand-operated embossing machine, used by Lewisham public libraries. Features wooden handle and cast iron body, which has previously been painted, though enamel is now peeling. Decorative floral pattern.
Date: c.1940s/50s
Further Information:
D83_006704 Costume Doll in Elaborate Dress
Item Reference: 006704
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Artefact
Description: Small hard plastic doll in elaborate black and blue dress, with white shawl and white bonnet, in clear plastic packaging.
Date: c. 1970s
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D83_006703 Air Stewardess Doll
Item Reference: 006703
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Artefact
Description: Small hard plastic toy doll, in clear plastic packaging, branded as ‘British Air Hostess’. Made in Hong Kong.
Date: c. 1970s
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D83_006702 Costume Doll in Red Bonnet
Item Reference: 006702
Category: Toys and Games
Format: Artefact
Description: Small toy doll, in clear plastic packaging, with simple dress and red bonnet. Her attire resembles some traditional Scandinavian dress. Doll appears to have never been removed from its packaging.
Date: c. 1970s
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